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Registration is a paid service. The service fee is as folows:

  • 20 euro for Trade shows in Russia.
  • 50 euro for Trade shows in other countries.

Additionally, the event organizer charges may apply.

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Interpolitex 2025 Logo

Interpolitex 2025

21th International Exhibition

When: 28.10.2025 - 30.10.2025 * Add to calendar iCal CalendarGoogle CalendarOutlook CalendarHotmail CalendarYahoo CalendarAddEvent.com

Venue: VDNKh (Moscow, Russia)

Category: Security

Organizer: Bizon UEC; FSB Rossii; FSVTS Rossii; Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Exhibition is organized by the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Federal Security Service, Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation and in the capacity of the exhibition operator is Exhibition Companies Group «BIZON». The largest in Russia homeland security exhibition is the unique exhibition event in Russia in the field of security, having a Federal status and importance is held annually in order to give suppliers and users of up-to-date special technical means and armaments an effective tool for solution of promotional and marketing tasks, market monitoring and bargaining. The results of this work are directly connected with the stock of orders (firstly, state ones) and implementation of a number of Federal Target Programs. It should be especially underlined that the Russian Federation Government support of the exhibition allows the participants of the exhibition and demonstration events display their military, defence related and special products.

* The event may be cancelled or moved to other dates. Please, contact us or the event organizer to get the most actual information before making any arrangements.

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